Architecture for digital transformation

Impactamos a nuestros clientes identificando sus capacidades de negocio clave y potenciándolas a través de la tecnología correcta.

Let’s build a great product
We are a consulting firm that understands the company’s purpose to identify the best path of tech transformation through participatory and actionable business architecture exercises that support the adoption of modern and high-impact technologies.
Why implement architecture for digital transformation?
En Sofka aceleramos la transformación digital usando la arquitectura y el agilismo como mecanismo de alineación entre negocio y tecnología a través de experiencias participativas.

Aportamos en la mejora de la gestión de las capacidades empresariales y de TI.

Promovemos la exploración constante de nuevas tecnologías y formas de trabajo en entornos safe to fail.

Entregables que se adaptan al público objetivo, combinando lenguaje técnico y de negocio.

Preferimos desarrollar a las personas y polinizar las buenas prácticas sobre crear largos documentos y estructuras de gobierno que regulen el accionar de los equipos

We prefer developing people and pollinating good practices over creating lengthy documents and governance structures.

Deliverables that adapt to the target audience, combining technical and business language.

We contribute to improving the management of business and IT capabilities.

We promote the constant exploration of new technologies and ways of working in safe to fail environments.

Architecture consulting service for digital transformation
Today’s world demands agile, adaptable and evolving digital businesses that can respond innovatively to changes in the environment. This means the technology is strategy driven, focused on enabling business capabilities, and flexible so that it can be easily recomposed and adapted.
  • Áreas de negocioTI y áreas operativas.
  • Experiencia del cliente y seguridad.
  • Datos y analítica.
  • Diseño de procesos y de producto.
Beneficios del servicio de consultoría

Estandarizar los procesos de negocio de manera coherente con la estrategia de la organización.

Crear una organización flexible que se adapterá pidamente a los cambios de mercado.

Aprovechamiento de los datos para apalancar la toma de decisiones de negocio.

Crear nuevas oportunidades de negocio a través de la adopción de tecnologías emergentes.

Digital Transformation Box
We present you with a complete strategy that you can use to drive the digital transformation of your human resources or marketing area.This strategy includes:
  • Una lista de los retos más comunes de las áreas en el entorno empresarial.
  • El mapa de capacidades de negocio de tu área para que identifiques en qué puntos enfocar tus esfuerzos de transformación digital con un cubrimiento integral.
  • Una completa arquitectura de los sistemas de información que necesitas para impulsar la transformación digital en cada uno de los frentes de tu área.
We provide you the information you need to make strategic decisions.
Valor en periodos cortos de tiempo
Value in short periods of time
We understand that the environment changes very quickly and that value is only obtained when the execution materializes, for this reason we generate early victories in short periods of time so that you can implement your strategy and learn from the market.

They trust us

Architecture for specific areas
Human Resources
Las áreas de recursos humanos han The areas of human resources have been decisive in the growth and development of organizations and are becoming increasingly relevant in the execution of the strategy.
  • To be a company focused on the employee, taking care of their experience and promoting conditions that promote their quality of life.
  • Ser eficientes en la atención de solicitudes rutinarias.
  • Be efficient in attending to routine requests.
  • Optimize human resources expenses in the organization
  • Recruit talent with the speed required.
Results and benefits for the human resources area

A complete architecture of the information systems that you need to promote digital transformation on each of the fronts of your area.

The business capabilities map of your human resources area so that you can identify where to focus your digital transformation efforts.



The marketing areas (Marketing) have been decisive in the growth and development of organizations, where they take more relevance in the execution of customer-focused strategies.For this reason, we provide you with a complete digital transformation road map to boost your marketing objectives through the right technology, generating efficiency in your IT investment and boosting your business goals.
Results and benefits for the human resources area

A complete architecture of the information systems that you need to promote digital transformation on each of the fronts of your area.

The business capabilities map of your human resources area so that you can identify where to focus your digital transformation efforts.