One of the most recognized brands in the country in the department store sector is carrying out tests to implement an innovative system that recognizes the types of vegetables and calculates prices according to their weight. It’s called UncodeBar and it was developed by the Breackout Team, a group of young talents who participated in Sofkathon, the programming marathon called by Sofka last April. There other outstanding innovations emerged, such as ProtecUs, an application to help detect domestic violence, developed by the Prometheus team; or a biosafety platform, so demanded in times of the pandemic, for monitoring the health conditions of personnel in an organization, conceived by the Spartan Team.

Sofka invests in human talent, and the Sofkathon, which has been running for two years (the first was held two years ago), seeks to solve challenges in society and in the environment of customers and allies of the company. The most promising solutions become business ideas that Sofka adopts for its development. In April, the country had fully entered the coronavirus crisis and the challenges, of course, were formulated considering the health emergency. The idea was to create solutions for Covid-19 in the lines of community care, commerce and logistics. 40 continuous hours of innovation and creativity allowed a significant number of proposals, in which young developers and entrepreneurs participated with the desire to serve society by taking advantage of their talent.During the second semester of this year, a third marathon is scheduled to take place.
At Sofka we do more social innovation than traditional Corporate Social Responsibility
“At Sofka we do more social innovation than traditional Corporate Social Responsibility,” explains Manuel Salas, head of Sofka University , the strategic initiative that makes programming marathons possible, as well as other outstanding activities of the company’s social commitment.